The popularity of Exuma's swimming pigs have inspired some entrepreneurial individual to introduce a similar experience closer to Nassau. It makes sense in some respects, if you're staying in Nassau or simply calling to port for the day you might not wish to jump on a speed boat to Exuma.

But while it is an experience my wife talks about all the time, I'm not so convinced. It doesn't help that every time I mention it to colleagues from the islands, they throw their hands up and ask rhetorically, "why do people want to swim with these pigs!?! They just poop in the water!!!" hahaha
What about you? What do you think and would you want to do it?
And if you would, would you be a purist and go for the original experience in Exuma or would you be open to a purpose-built experience of swimming pigs closer to Nassau at Sandy Toes Rose Island?