The world's tallest building presents a fun challenge in capturing not only how tall it is in a photo, but just capturing the full height in a single frame is difficult without resorting to a sort of vertical panorama!
I've tried myself, it's tough. It's just so tall
During my first visit to Dubai in 2013 I enjoyed a few opportunities to ascend the tower and explore the shopping and dining, among other attractions at the foot of the tower...
This photo (right) was my own best effort during the evening hours, but there have since been many great examples of newer technology not only allowing people to capture a better photo, but the tower itself also enjoys some great light shows to dazzle guests!
Also ascend from the inside or outside? When I first read this I had a picture in my head of you abseiling this monster of a building.😅
Is this the place with the penguins? What attractions did it have when you visited?