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Beijing National Stadium

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Officially known as the National Stadium, most English speakers will know it as the Bird's Nest. The site was the central point of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, where it was designed with a modern take on classic north-south architecture present among other landmarks in the capital city.

The stadium is a great spot for visitors with an interest in modern architecture, sporting & Olympic events/history, and anyone attending an event.

Planning your trip

As mentioned, if you're able to visit during the evening hours you'll see the stadium and other Olympic buildings sporting cool and colored lights to brighten up the night's sky!

When you should go

For some visitors to Beijing it's an easy choice of when to visit the Bird's Nest as your event is already decided for you! If you're on your own or have a choice of when to visit but no intent of entering the stadium, consider saving your visit for the evening hours when the buildings of the former Olympic Park are lit up.

What else you might need

Visiting the park itself comes with no fee or admission, the stadium has an entry fee for those seeking a quick 30-minute tour. Expect around US$8 equivalent.

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