Africa is a life-changing destination. That's so nearly a fact, I just can't seem to convince Wikipedia to cite me on it - but joke's on them anyhow, I'm paraphrasing a far wiser, more experienced travel pro in this instance haha

Regardless, it is true. I think I spent nearly 4 months in the shadow of Mount Kenya (yes, I did trek to the peak) during my final military deployment, but you can bet I spent every free weekend and squeezed as much of my free time as possible into the safari parks & game lodges.
Engaging with the local people was truly, truly eye-opening. Even for a two-time veteran of Afghanistan.

But I don't know where to start with the wildlife, Big Five is easy - I'm talking last of the northern white rhino, rare painted dogs, Sweetwaters sanctuary is the only place in Kenya to see chimps, and I never even realized I was a closet bird watcher until looking through my trip pics haha
I will never forget my time in Kenya.