Your Guide To
Aloha Tower
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A once-glorious shopping and events space near the centre of Honolulu, the tower's lighting during evening hours remain a highlight and an easy to spot landmark in Honolulu. More recently, guest review suggests some updating would bring back some of the decadence enjoyed in past. Local events such as concerts are still held here, check for listings closer to the time of your visit.
The tower itself has some interesting history to share, with a 10th floor observation deck to lend a great view to your visit.
Planning your trip
Other than parking, there's no cost associated with a visit to the Aloha Tower other than any purchases you'd care to make in the Marketplace.
When you should go
Weather permitting, the tower's observation deck on the 10th floor is open daily from 9am to 5pm.
What else you might need
As above, the observation deck is subject to some weather considerations, however there are no costs associated with access.
Things to do nearby
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