Anne's Beach, Florida Keys
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Anne's Beach

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The natural sandbar extending out into the water from the beach area at Anne's Beach is pretty unique for the Florida Keys. You'll also enjoy complimentary access & parking, just be sure you park in an allocated bay.

You can wade out in knee deep water for a good distance before the water opens up a bit. Making for a cool view from the beach or in the water, but also a great excuse to just lounge in the warmer waters. The boardwalk was rebuilt following Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Planning your trip

A walk of the boardwalk and a dip in the sea can take as long as you want them to, or as little as you like. Plan for an hour, maybe two if you like to lounge.

When you should go

Anne's Beach is not typically a crowded spot, but the most comfortable path along the sandbar is only so wide. Arrive earlier in the day to enjoy more space to yourself.

What else you might need

There's no ticket needed or entry fee for Anne's Beach, but you may have to navigate parking.

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