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Odeon of Herodes Atticus

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An ancient Roman style theater bordering the southern face of the Acropolis, circa 161AD. The space hosts as many as 6,000 guests and has been lightly retrofitted with modern lighting, the original designs for acoustics cannot be beat.

After the hilltop of the Acropolis itself, the Odeon is probably the single largest attraction at the site of the ancient ruins here in Athens.

Planning your trip

In addition to the various concerts and events hosted throughout the open air theater season, the Odeon hosts the annual Athens and Epidaurus Festival for about a month, spanning late July to early August.

When you should go

Visit as part of your trip to the Acropolis, but look out for live events hosted in the open air during the May through October period.

What else you might need

You should arrange your pass in advance for access to the wider Acropolis site, but you won't actually enter the Odeon unless you've arranged a ticket for one of the open air theater events.

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