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At the peak of the elevation around which Athens is centered, lies the Parthenon. It can be seen from vantage points across the city and is the most obvious feature of the ancient structures. Work is said to have started on the original monuments as far back as 437BC.

You'll love the Parthenon if you love Ancient Greece and anything to do with the Acropolis. If you're really into your history, there's an awful lot to discover in the history of this building alone.

Planning your trip

Interestingly, in addition to any ancient history you might pick up around the site, there's a modern history at play in charting the course of various reconstruction efforts of the last two hundred years. Prior to that, the site has served as a mosque, a Christian church, and various houses of worship among older deities. You'll miss out if you don't secure the services of a knowledgeable guide.

When you should go

As the main structure of Athens' most famous landmark, it's a busy place to visit. Our suggestion is to get to the Acropolis early and to head straight up to the top of the hill and enjoy the Parthenon before many others have a chance to spoil your view.

What else you might need

As part of the Acropolis of Athens, you'll need to secure your visitor's pass to access the grounds. Advanced purchase is highly recommended.

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