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Known locally as Krung Thep, Bangkok is Thailand's capital and the first stop for many visitors to Thailand arriving from North America. Although the city's southernmost regions rest on the Gulf of Thailand, it is absolutely a city break for newcomers.

Despite the intense traffic and sprawling city space, Bangkok's gardens and temples are plentiful. If you're beach-bound during your vacation to Thailand, you may not desire the city's hustle but you should find something unique to enjoy if you plan your visit well.

Planning your trip

The assistance of a qualified local guide will really help you reduce stresses and to get the most out of your visit to this bustling metropolis. You'll want visitor-friendly street food, a ticket fixer for admissions, and to let a local deal with some of the intense attention of hawkers and touts at the most popular landmarks.

When you should go

For many visitors to Thailand, Bangkok is simply a stepping stone into or out of the country while Krabi or Phuket feature as higher priorities for your vacation. The city itself is a year-round destination, however, and you'll be missing out on some of the unique culture that doesn't rely on beach tourism if you don't spend at least a night or two here.

What else you might need

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