Your Guide To
Pultney Bridge
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Actually quite unique, the bridge features shops spanning the entire length of both sides of the bridge, apparently one of only four known bridges to feature such design. Historically, the bridge replaced a ferry service in the late 18th century.
You'll certainly want to check out the bridge if you're visiting the city of Bath. Not only does the bridge provide a great photo backdrop when overlooking the Avon and the Bath Weir, but there are a few quirky shops to enjoy if you're crossing the span on foot.
Planning your trip
As mentioned above, it is a unique bridge in having spans of shops along the entire length and across both sides of the bridge. It means you could just wander over the river without even realizing it!
When you should go
Outdoors and a critical piece of the Bath infrastructure, you don't need a perfect time to visit. Although you may find that earlier in the day provides the best opportunity for photos without other tourists present. If you're not simply on a day trip, make sure you return in the evening to see the bridge when it is lit up for the night.
What else you might need
No tickets necessary, it's a public space.
Things to do nearby
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