Staniel Cay Yacht Club, Bahamas
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Staniel Cay Yacht Club

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A secluded island resort complex offering a bit of an escape from the everyday or the opportunity to explore the Exuma region of The Bahamas. It's about 75 miles (120km) south of Nassau and unless you're already on Staniel Cay, it may only be reached by boat or by plane. The yacht club itself has been operating since 1956.

Truly a boutique property, the more rustic feel might be a welcome departure from the glam and glitz of other more modern properties elsewhere in The Bahamas. What began with a marina now includes a handful of bungalows and a restaurant. It is exclusive in being off the radars of many visitors. Note that many of the beachfront rooms are more oceanfront.

Planning your trip

There are options for accommodation-only and dining plan-inclusive packages when staying at the Yacht Club. You should certainly take the opportunity to explore Staniel Cay and the Exuma area during your visit. There are plenty of options available to arrange in advance or on-site during your stay. US$ is accepted, but there are no ATMs on the island. Plan to use your credit card.

When you should go

In general, The Bahamas welcome visitors throughout the year. Peak season here runs roughly March through the first week of August, with occasional long weekend or week-long peak periods during Christmas and Thanksgiving.

What else you might need

The marina and some activities can be arranged for use by those not staying at the resort, but most visits and stays will require an advanced booking.

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