Your Guide To
Ted's Bulletin Capitol Hill
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Ideally situated to explore DC, this location is one of a handful of Ted's restaurants dotted around the DC area since about 2010. Themed as an American style brunch bar and eatery, you'll just as easily find some home style breakfast as a cocktail for later.
With cocktails on the menu and a brunch theme for local enthusiasts, you'd be right at home here enjoying a simple style of dining. You might not see or even expect a lot of children given the hip atmosphere, but they'll be very welcome.
Planning your trip
Power up at here at Ted's on the south side of Capitol Hill at the start of your day, you'll need the energy to explore DC.
When you should go
Open from 7am to 9pm most days of the year. It gets busier from about 10am through the dinner period.
What else you might need
You'll be best served with an advanced reservation, bring your appetite!
Things to do nearby
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