Windmills of Mykonos, Mykonos
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Windmills of Mykonos

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One of the most iconic landmarks of Mykonos, the windmills are also known as Kato Milli. The seven remaining windmills represent a history of industry on the island, locally known for its winds. It may surprise you how windy it can get across all of Mykonos! Today, the windmills are not in operation and their interiors may not be visited. You may even see windmills being constructed elsewhere for "renovation" into modern hotel-apartments.

The windmills are a must-see for any visitor to Mykonos, even if you've been before! It won't take you long to explore their exterior and it's only a short walk from the shopping areas and Little Venice.

Planning your trip

Hidden just around the corner from Little Venice, if you arrive by cruise ship into Mykonos you'll likely be transported to the town's edge. That means a short journey along the seaside and around the bend to Kato Milli.

When you should go

The earlier you can arrive here the more likely it is you'll enjoy the site to yourself. As the day draws on to afternoon, expect a parking area full of scooters and mini motorbikes alongside a busier stroll between the windmills themselves.

What else you might need

There is no fee or admission to visit the windmills of Kato Milli, the entire landmark is presented outside and visits are limited to the exterior of any building.

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