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Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

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One of the 5 most visited religious sanctuaries in the world. Built in 1974, it can hold up to 10,000 people on the premises. However, in her celebration (Dec 12th) it is visited by more than 4 million pilgrims from all over the world. It was founded next to El Cerro del Tepeyac, the place where, according to the Catholic faith, the Virgin appeared to an indigenous person named Juan Diego.

Visitors will witness the profound devotion that locals hold for the Guadalupe Virgin, an inspiring sight for culture seekers and anyone with a respect or interest in how faith is practiced. It wouldn't hurt to remind yourself that it is an active place of worship and should be respected as such. The whole compound: Basílica, Cerro del Tepeyac, market, and museum, can be covered in around 3 hours.

Planning your trip

A roughly 90-minute guided tour is available by advanced reservation only, maximum of 35 visitors, offered Mondays through Fridays only, 9:30am to 5:00pm.

When you should go

For a more fascinating visit, aim to overlap your visit with mass time. This can fall between 8am and 6pm, Mondays through Sundays for most of the big religious calendar events, with a slightly smaller 9:00am to 4:30pm for other days of the year. You can also check the official website for a more up to date timetable of currently scheduled events & celebrations - that can include weddings.

What else you might need

There is no entrance fee, consider carrying small denominations for minor purchases or, if you choose, donations boxes.

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