Catacombs of Milos, Milos
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Catacombs of Milos

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Said to be the oldest Christian Catacombs in all of Greece. They're not quite as famous as those found in Rome but some suggest they may be older. The excavated sections to date have found nearly 600 feet of tunnels where nearly 2,000 people were buried across the active period of use.

A small pilgrimage for some, the crossover of faiths and ancient histories is certainly an interesting aspect of life in historic Milos. You might enjoy taking a small pause from the spectacular beaches of Milos to appreciate how today's diaspora came to be.

Planning your trip

Head here early in the day and make sure you plan your transportation well. A private car and guide will help you better unravel the secrets of the island, but even a taxi will help you make the most of your time on this surprisingly spacious island.

When you should go

Open Mondays and Wednesdays through Sundays from 9am to 4pm. The site is closed on Tuesdays and any public holidays.

What else you might need

You'll need a ticket to access the interior spaces, expect about $5 for adults and $3 for seniors.

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