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Your Guide To

The Bear Inn

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Heralded as one of the oldest pubs in Great Britain, "The Bear" as it's also known, has a history stretching back as far as 1242. There are some interesting stories as to who lived here or why it was so named. Today it is managed as a Fuller's Pub.

Anyone with an interest in Great British Pubs and the rich local history of Oxford's world renown university will enjoy their pint just that little bit more when sipped from a glass at The Bear. It's also just plain great on a hot summer's day!

Planning your trip

Make sure you keep your eye out for the immense collection of ties, a sort of unspoken trade for a pint which grew to a rather large collection.

When you should go

The Bear can be quite busy, especially during evenings, weekends, and whenever there's great weather in Oxford.

What else you might need

There is no entry fee or ticketing requirement to enjoy this historic pub.

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