Trypiti, Milos
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A hillside village on the northwestern side of Milos. Great views and a downhill walk toward historic sites, alongside a wonderfully appointed church. If you're on foot, consider rewarding yourself with a beer from one of the terrace cafes!

Trypiti is a little more of a cultural exploit, taking in some local scenery and enjoying access to the historic sites on the nearby slopes. If you're looking for beaches here, you'll be disappointed.

Planning your trip

Arrive early enough to enjoy the catacombs and Roman theater, then pop back up the hill for a coffee or beer and enjoy the view. Then head to the beach, it'll be hot out!

When you should go

You'll probably get the most out of your stop in Trypiti by arriving early. Most of the historic attractions close in the late afternoon and the village is otherwise relatively quiet.

What else you might need

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